
  • Károly Illy appointed as new director of Lung Foundation Netherlands (Longfonds)


    The Supervisory Board of Longfonds has announced that it has appointed Károly Illy as its new director. Illy is currently a paediatrician at Ziekenhuis Rivierenland Tiel and -until mid June ’23- chairman of the Dutch Paediatric Association.

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  • Lung regeneration

    ‘Chances are a surge of knowledge is coming’


    For treatments to arise, more basic knowledge is needed about COPD. To acquire this, top scientist Oliver Eickelberg put together a research team thatwas the first in the world to map the proteins in the lungs.

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  • Lung regeneration

    A shortcut to reliable repair and growth of airway cells


    Leading respiratory scientist Professor Sam Janes developed a rapid method to identify the needles in a haystack of drugs that stimulate growth of airway stem cells.

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  • Michael Rutgers announces departure from Lung Foundation Netherlands (Longfonds Nederland)


    Michael Rutgers (65) will step down after the summer to make way for a successor. This was announced by the director of Lung Foundation Netherlands today.

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