
  • Lung regeneration

    'We are working together towards one goal: to eliminate COPD'


    Jos Pielage and Pieter van Eck consider their volunteering for the Patient Advisory Committee of the Longfonds research on lung tissue repair especially important. Especially for people with lung disease.

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  • Asthma prevention

    Vici grant for the prevention of severe respiratory infections


    Hermelijn Smits, professor of Immunomodulation through Host-Commensal Interactions, receives a Vici grant of 1.5 million euros. With this grant, she wants to use substances produced in the intestines to strengthen the immune system.

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  • Lung regeneration

    Meeting Lung regeneration Consortium


    Early January, Longfonds and the Lung regeneration Consortium (BREATH) met in person for the first time since the Covid pandemic. The meeting was organized at- and hosted by- prof.dr. Ed Morrissey and his lab at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

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  • Asthma prevention

    How much does it take? Research uncovers farm milk’s protective force


    Farm milk can protect young children from getting asthma. Prof.dr. Erika von Mutius is eager to show how the protection works and help create protective milk products.

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