Symposium on the Prevention of Asthma and Allergies

On March 10 & 11, 2025, Longfonds and the Leiden University Medical Center will host the 'Symposium on the Prevention of Asthma and Allergies' at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. The symposium will focus entirely on an integrated approach to preventing asthma and allergies.

Asthma and allergies are on the rise. Around seven percent of children and adolescents in the Netherlands suffer from chronic lung inflammation, making asthma the most prevalent chronic illness among children. Additionally, an even larger and growing group is affected by allergies related to asthma. The increasing prevalence of allergies has no single cause but is closely tied to changes in our lifestyle and living environment.

A Finnish study demonstrated that an integrated approach can significantly reduce the number of new cases of allergies and asthma. Longfonds is fully committed to preventing asthma in children. Over the past years, we have funded a major international research program to achieve this goal.

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During this fascinating symposium, our microbiome, living environment, and lifestyle take center stage.

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• Monday, March 10 – Science as the Foundation
For: Lung researchers, pulmonologists, and other healthcare professionals (language: English)

Discover the latest insights into asthma and allergy prevention. Leading researchers, including Ben Marsland, Aki Sinkonen, Sejal Saglani, and Erika von Mutius, will share their findings. What knowledge can we leverage today to make a meaningful impact for future generations?

• Tuesday, March 11 – From Knowledge to Practice (Workshops)
For: Lung researchers, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and decision-makers in the field of healthy living environments (language: English and Dutch)

On the second day, the focus shifts to effectively applying new insights and knowledge in daily life to prevent asthma and allergies in children. Finnish professor and pulmonologist Tari Haahtela will discuss the highly successful Finnish National Allergy Program.

Marco van Es (Bac2Nature) will delve into the relationship between biodiversity in living environments and the microorganisms in and around our bodies, which play a vital role in our health. Interactive workshops will explore practical steps that can already be implemented.

Why You Shouldn't Miss This

  • Gain unique insights from international experts.
  • Network with fellow professionals and pioneers in the field.
  • Collaborate on concrete environmental adaptations to prevent asthma and allergies.

Mark March 10 and 11, 2025, on your calendar. You can register for one or both days of the symposium.

Further information on registration, participation fees, and accreditation points will follow in early January. Together, we strive for a future where children no longer develop asthma and allergies. Inspiration begins here. We look forward to welcoming you in March at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden!